Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Up and running

I guess with Walter's post, we're up and running with the blog.

I'm D2D and no, I haven't thought of a name like "Walter's weekly ramble" or something like that for my posts. I'll be posting blogs/reviews on things like PPV's (I'll try to do 1 on F4W asap) and weekly TV programmes (Raw, SD, NXT, iMPACT!).

I'm really into music as well so I'll be posting links to all songs related to wrestling (Money in the Bank theme). I'm also into DVD's so I'll post about any new DVD's/Blu-Rays as well.

1 last thing, I'm part of the BWE booking theme (you prob know that sonce I'm whoring the hell outta it) so I'll be posting about that as well.

D2D out *peace*

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