Wednesday, June 23, 2010

"Walters Weekly Ramble"

Well well well, lads this is pretty cool, a PW forum blog amd whatnot. Big time thanks to D2D for this neat little idea, obviously my first post could be me talking about this or that, but maybe a ramble in preperation for the podcast with Diabhal Beag could be fun, maybe not so fun for you guys to read though(Dammit wheres Pacman when i need him?)

So big week in wrestling for the Irish lads round the world with Sheamus and also Prince Devitt both winning major titles this week, having seen them both wrestle on the Irish scene back in the day its goddam awesome to see them both on top, and both on opposite ends of the wrestling spectrum, Sheamus in the "Sports Enterainment" side of things and Devitt in the stiff "Puroresu" of the land of the Rising Sun..

Im absolutely loving the Jericho/Bourne fued, WWE must have been reading the ATH Match between me and Danger Dave?(Insert Pacman Face_:) Honestly has anyone put over more young talent in WWE then Y2J? More than HHH,Taker,Cena and HBK combined i'd reckon

The other big time talking point atm(for me anyways) has to be the NXT angle, fuck i have to say its the most exciting angle WWE has done since becoming WWE. Everything about the angle so far has been unreal, in particular Wade Barretts mic work, obviously having Jericho as his mentor rubbed off on the guy.. Although i do have to admit, i was nearly pulling my hair out when the "NXT 7" came out to apologise on Raw, i was cursing the WWE booking team(Hire the BWE lads Vince, we all know you read our shows, we know the your the BWEasel Vince;) ...) But the turn on Vince at the end of the show was another brillliant move, and im personally very invested in this storyline and cant wait to see where it goes..

The other obvious talking point of the angle is Bryan Danielson.. Is it a work? Is it for real? Personally i still think its a work, for these reasons, why the fuck would WWE build this guy up and then release him, to possibly go to TNA, MMA or whatever other outlet for him to make them money, i dont care about whether WWE is PG or not, at the end of the day lads, controversay creates cash, and Vince loves press, whether its good or bad, he loves it.. And i HIGHLY doubt Danielson would have choken out Justin Roberts without the go ahead of both the WWE agents, and creative team/Vince or Steph, who would have told him, exactly what to do in the segement, and ultimately to go out and do it.. But for me the most important reason for it being a work, is that this angle from the start has been to work the internet, everything from the losing streak, to Daniel Bryan acknownledging his work pre WWE and his real name, to the Michael Cole/JR promo, from the Start WWE have absolutely made Danielson be the voice of the Internet fans(And for those who say the internet is a minority, then wake up will ya dude?, The internet has expanded wrestling more in the last 5 years with and Youtube/ etc having constant access to all wrestling matches at all times, 24/7 then ever before..) WWE have had Danielson literally be the voice of every single fan, who then gets behind their keyboard and gives out about HHH's use of the shovel or bitches that John Cena cant wrestle, and its damn smart of WWE to use the biggest darling of the "Internet era of Wrestling" against the smarks in my honest opinion.. So ultimately when Danielson is revealed as the Apple Mac GM, i shall say i told you so, but if it doesnt happen, well you read my blog post wrongly:)

Right dudes thanks for reading this unmitigated bullshit, im off to watch Trailer Park Boys:)
Peace and Love

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